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Weight gain foods list.

Weight gain foods list.

Doctors usually recommend that people with very low weight gain weight, which can cause many health problems.  Bodybuilders and other athletes can gain weight by exercising muscles.  Although gaining weight is difficult, the following foods can help you.  They can also increase muscle mass and promote overall health.


Milk combines fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

    It is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals (including calcium).

    The protein content of milk is perfect for people trying to build muscle.

    A study found that drinking skim milk after resistance training is more effective than building soy products when it comes to building muscle.

    A similar study showed that women who participated in resistance training achieved better results in those who drank milk after exercise.

    For people who want to gain weight, milk can be added during the diet.



low calorie content, sprouts are a rich source of plant nutrients and nutrients.  Their vitamin and mineral content varies by species.

    In general, however, the germination process increases nutrient levels by enriching proteins, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese vitamins  K instead of unfilled plants

    For example, several studies show that sprouts help increase protein levels.  Sprouts also often contain higher levels of amino acids, with some individual amino acids increasing by 30%

    In addition, the protein in the sprouts can be digested more easily.  This is likely due to the germination process, which seems to decrease the amount of antimicrobials - compounds that reduce your body's ability to absorb nutrients from plants by up to 87%

    Sprouts are also an excellent source of antioxidants and other beneficial plant compounds.

    In addition, studies have shown that foods made from sprouts can be more nutritious.

    For example, tofu soy milk made from soybeans contains 7-13% more protein, 12-24% less fat 56-81% less antioxidants than tofu soy milk made from raw soybeans.


A cup of rice contains about 200 calories, and it is also a good source of carbohydrates, which contributes to weight gain.  Many people find it easy to include rice in meals with proteins and vegetables. meat.

Red meat is a rich source of protein, saturated fat, and real zinc vitamins.

    Iron is needed to carry oxygen to the red blood cells.  Children, the elderly Pregnant women are at risk for iron deficiency.

    Iron is found in dark green leafy vegetables, grains and legumes but is excreted through the red flesh.

    DNA synthesis is required by the body to help the immune system work effectively.

    It is also found in Inc, fish, legumes, eggs and beans as well as red meat.

    However, zinc is good for meat and fish sources.

    Vitamin B6 Vitamin 12 is one of the B vitamins found in red meat.  Vitamin B6 is good for the immune system and vitamin B12 is good for the nervous system.  People who take methamphetamine for diabetes have high levels of vitamin B12.


Nuts butter can be a good source of fat, protein, fiber, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals.  Incorporating a controlled amount of neutral butter into your diet can help keep your cholesterol levels under control.  Because walnut suitcases are high in calories, this can lead to weight gain.  The American Heart Association recommends that only a few nuts be healthy for daily consumption.


Eggs are a very cheap, high quality protein.  More than half of egg whites are found in egg whites, which are high in vitamin B2 and low in fat than in yolk.  Eggs are rich in zinc, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron and copper.  Egg yolks have more calories and fat than ever before.  In recipes such as hollandaise or mayonnaise, emulsification is a source of vitamins A, D, E and K and leucine.

    Some egg products now contain omega-3 fatty acids based on what chickens eat.  Eggs are considered a "complete" source of protein because they contain all nine essential amino acids that we cannot digest and get from our diet.

7. Beans.

Beans  are plants or seeds of a plant called Fasisasa.  They are usually eaten all over the world is a rich source of fiber, B vitamins.

    They are an excellent substitute for meat, which is a source of  protein.  Beans  have many health benefits, including lowering cholesterol, lowering blood sugar and the risk of stomach ulcers.


Chickpeas contains a lot of nutrients, including protein, which is good for bones, muscles and skin.

    Foods that reduce the consumption of meats, such as chickpeas and rice, can provide high levels of protein in the diet.  Adults consume about one-third of a cup of protein in adults.

   Chickpeas ingredients can also help you

Diabates,blood pressure, heart health,cancer,bone health.

9.dried fruit.

Dried fruits are very nutritious.

    A piece of dried fruit contains almost the same amount of nutrients as fresh fruit, but in a much smaller concentrate package.

    Dried fruit contains up to fresh fruit fiber, vitamins and minerals.

    Therefore, one serving can supply large quantities of vitamins and minerals, such as the recommended daily dose of folic acid.

    However, there are some exceptions.  For example, the vitamin C content is significantly reduced by drying the fruit.

    Dried fruits are usually rich in fiber and are an excellent source of antioxidants, especially polyphenols.

    Polyphenolic antioxidants are associated with health benefits such as better blood flow, better digestive health, reduced oxidative damage and a reduced risk of many diseases.

10. Soyabean.

Some studies suggest that incorporating soybeans into the diet can have a number of health benefits.

    We discuss this in more detail below.

    Soy is linked to healthier cholesterol levels, which can reduce the risk of heart disease.

    In 2015, researchers conducted a study analysis to determine the effects of soy on human cholesterol levels.  The researchers found that eating soy in the arteries greatly reduced total cholesterol, triglycerides, and low-density cholesterol (LDL).

    Harmful cholesterol is also known as "bad cholesterol" because it can cause blockages in the arteries.

    The report's authors also found that eating soybeans resulted in a significant increase in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.  This type is also known as "good cholesterol" because it helps remove harmful cholesterol from the arteries.

    People with high cholesterol had a much lower LDL cholesterol than people with the best cholesterol.

    Less processed soy foods - including soy milk, soybeans and soy nuts - were more effective than soy protein extracts or additives.

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Weight gain foods list.


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