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Showing posts from June, 2020

Top high protein foods

Top high protein foods. Protein is a macronutrient required for building muscle.  It is commonly found in animal products, although it is also present in other sources such as nuts and legumes. 1.whey protein Whey is a liquid that is obtained by solidifying and filtering milk.  It is a by-product of cheese or casein manufacturing and has several commercial uses.  Sweet whey is a by-product of the production of rennet-type hard cheeses such as cheddar and Swiss cheese.  Acid serum (also called sour whey)    The fallopian tubes appeared during the production of acid-type dairy products, such as cottage cheese and strain yogurt. 2.egg Egg white is a clear liquid (aka albumin or glare/glare) contained in eggs.  In the chicken, during the passage of the egg it is formed from a layer of secretions from the anterior part of the chicken oviduct.  Formed around fertilized or unfertilized yolk.  Egg white's main natural purpose is to protect the yolk and provide the nutrients needed for embr